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An Audio Compendium

Here you will find various audio recordings that cover many areas; such as  the Word of God, the Spirit of Prophecy,  messages and teachings regarding healthy eating and living, godly living, and other wonderful topics.

“Every moment of our lives is intensely real, and charged with solemn responsibilities. Ignorance will be no excuse for lack of spiritual understanding and attainment; for we are exhorted to add to virtue, knowledge. Many are very ignorant of Bible truth, and they do not realize the duty and necessity of becoming intelligent Christians…. The uncultured fishermen became men of refinement and ability; and the lessons that they were privileged to learn are written for our admonition and instruction. We are invited to become learners in the school of Christ. We need to acquire all the knowledge possible. We cannot afford to be ignorant of the things that pertain to our eternal welfare. If all would cease gossip and evil communication, devoting the time to contemplation of Christ and the plan of salvation, they would add the knowledge essential to a growth in grace.” (Review and Herald February 21, 1888)

The First Book of Moses

The Book Of Genesis

Creation, The Fall, The Promise

The Jews and Christians alike have considered Moses, the great lawgiver and leader of the Hebrews at the time of the Exodus, the author of the book of Exodus,


The Second Book of Moses

The Book of Exodus


The name Exodus is a compound of two Greek words meaning "the way out" or "the going out" (of the Israelites from Egypt) and was adopted by English translators from the Vulgate. The words "The Second Book of Moses" do not appear in the Hebrew text, but where added at a later time..


The Third Book of Moses

The Book of Leviticus

To Worship God

Leviticus received its name from the fact that it deals mainly with the priesthood, which was of the tribe of Levi. Ancient Hebrew scholars called it "Wayiqra", from the first word of the book. The Talmud called it "The Law of the Priests" or "The Law of Sacrifice" Its subtitle "The Third Book of Moses" was not a part of the original Hebrew text, but was added centuries later.


The Fourth Book of Moses

The Book of Numbers

The Wandering

Numbers forms the fourth book of the Pentateuch, as the five books of Moses are called. The title "Numbers" comes by derivation from the LXX title Arithmoi, though the Latin Mumeri, of which Numbers is a translation. The Hebrews called the book Bemidbar, "in the wilderness".


The Fifth Book of Moses

The Book of Deuteronomy

Law of Ordinances

The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth and last book of the Pentateuch. It is usually referred to among the Jews by the expression "These words", the first two words of the book in Hebrew. The English title of the book is from the LXX and means "The Second [or Repeated] Legislation, in relation to the book of Exodus, which is sometimes referred to as "The First Legislation".


Joshua, the son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim

The Book of Joshua

The Conquest of Canaan

With few exceptions until modern times, the Jews and Christians have uniformly acknowledged Joshua as the author of the book bearing his name. The Jewish Talmud (Baba Bathra 14b) specifically affirms this to be so, and states further that Eleazar, the son of Aaron the high priest, added the conclusion (ch. 24:29-32) with v. 33 being appended by Phinehas (Baba Bathra 15a, 15b). He was first called Hoshea', transliterated Hoshea of Oshea (Deut. 32:44, Num. 13:8, 16), which signifies "saviour" of "salvation"


Thought to be Samuel, but undetermined.

The Book of Judges

The governing of God's people

The Book of Judges takes its name from the titles of the men who governed Israel after the death of Joshua. Moses, in giving directions as to the governing of the Israelites after their settlement in Canaan, had ordered "judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates, which the Lord thy God giveth thee."(Deut 16:18)


Possibly Ezra and Nehemiah

The Book of Ruth

The blessing of the ideal home.

Critics have debated the authorship of the book of Ruth. As in the case of the book of Daniel, there are some who set the date of the writing early and some who set it much later. the theory of the postexilic origin of Ruth is ably presented in the Jewish Encyclopedia. Some critics have assumed that the book represents a subtle argument in favor of intermarriage between the Jews and other peoples since it states that David descended from such a marriage, They suggest it was written in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah as a protest against their stringent laws prohibiting marriage between Jews and non-Jews>


The Prophet Samuel

The Book of 1 Samuel

The first book of Samuel records and accounts for the rather sudden transition from centuries of pure theocracy, through prophets and judges, to the status of kingdoms.

In contrast with the Pentateuch where it is specifically stated, regarding certain portions, that they were written by Moses, the books of Samuel contain no information as to who the author or authors may have been. According to Jewish tradition, the first 24 chapters of first Samuel were written by Samuel, and the remainder of 1 Samuel, together with 2 Samuel, by Nathan and Gad (see 1 Chron, 29:29)


The Prophet Samuel 2

The Book of 2 Samuel

The central theme of the books of Samuel is how the Lord (1) established a dynasty (“house”) in Israel for David rather than Saul and (2) how he chose Jerusalem as the place where David's successor would establish the temple (“house”) for the worship of the divine King Yeshua

The two books known today as 1 and Second Samuel appear as one volume, in all Hebrew manuscripts prepared before 1517.


The First & Second Book of Kings

The present two books of Kings were originally one, known in the Hebrew as Melakim "Kings". In the Hebrew Bible, Kings continued undivided until the time of the printed edition of Daniel Bomberg.

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